Tournament Guidelines

This page contains an extensive list of common USCF tournament rules, house rules, and club etiquette. We strongly encourage everyone to read it. Thank you.

*Note: All of our tournaments are managed by certified US Chess Tournament Directors who follow the United States Chess Federation Rule Book. In matters not explicitly covered by the applicable rules, Directors will use their discretion and judgment. TD’s are also certified in SafeSport as required by USCF.


Tournament Rules and Procedures

This is a list of common rules & procedures for USCF tournaments and some house rules for Piermont Chess that may differ at other clubs:


Note: Piermont Chess Club provides notations sheets, pencils, and all necessary equipment for casual play and tournaments.

  • All boards are of US Chess certified design with 2.25″ squares and notation in the margins.
  • All pieces are US Chess certified design, wood or plastic, with standard 3.75″ king height, and weighted, easily identifiable pieces.
  • All game clocks are US Chess certified design, with digital display, variable time settings, and increment and delay options.
  • A player may bring their own equipment as long as it meets the standard requirements.
  • The player with black pieces may choose which equipment they prefer to use if there is an option. Tournament Directors can overrule.
  • Respect the equipment. Players will be charged full retail price for replacement of any damaged boards, pieces, clocks, chairs or tables etc.
  • Before the beginning of each round, the Chief TD will post the round pairings. Find your name and go to your assigned table.
  • When everyone is settled, the TD will announce the rules and the start of the round.
  • To begin the game, the clock lever up for White. Black presses the play button to start.
  • Players take turns making a move and pressing the clock.
  • When the game is over press the play button again to stop the clock.
  • A player loses on time when their clock shows no time remaining. Importantly, however, someone must declare it. There must also be enough pieces remaining to create a checkmate, or the outcome is a draw.
  • If both players run out of time before either player declares a win on time, the game is a draw.
  • Players may pause the clock to ask the tournament director for assistance at any time.
  • Players must use one hand for any action, for instance: the hand that moves a piece should also operate the clock.
  • A move is over ONLY when the clock is operated. The opponent may NOT move until then.
  • Touch Move: If a player touches a piece it must be moved, including potential captures, unless it cannot do so legally. The player may hold and move their piece freely until they release it.
  • Touch Take: If a player touches an opponent’s piece, which can be captured legally, it must be captured. Example: White captures a Black piece by removing the piece first THEN moving the capturing piece, and vice versa. If more than one piece can make the capture, the player may use any of those pieces to finish the capture.
  • J’adoube/Adjust: a player may adjust pieces without making a move ONLY IF their clock is running and they audibly announce “I adjust” or “J’adoube.”
  • All game results: Checkmates, Stalemates, Draws are NOT FINAL until confirmed by both players. (Don’t declare “checkmate” or just shake hands, and walk away. There may be a mistake.)
  • Confirm the results with your opponent and choose one player to report the results to the Director. Please DO NOT enter results into the computer yourself.
  • All players must record their moves in regular rapid and classical time control categories. Blitz and bullet chess do not require notation.
  • During most games, players may stop taking notation when either player’s clock reaches 5 minutes or less.
  • Notation may be made at any time, before, or after a player makes a move.
  • Any games with a 30 second increment (“+30”) must be notated through out the entire game.
  • A player may borrow, on their own time, the opponent’s notation during the round to correct an error in notation.
Illegal Moves
  • Illegal moves are any move that violates the standard rules of piece movement (bishop on wrong color, etc), including failing to meet the requirements of pawn promotion or exposing the king to capture. A move is not considered illegal until it is completed by pressing the clock. A player may correct any illegal move, if possible, before they press the clock.
  • Illegal moves incur a time penalty (additional time for the non-offending player) and a reset to a position before the move was made. Pause the clock and call a tournament director for arbitration in the event of any alleged illegal moves.
  • Illegal moves must be declared by the opponent before they complete their following move or no penalty can be applied. Responsibility lies with the last player discovered making an illegal move when multiple illegal moves are made. Pause the clock and call a TD.
  • In blitz and bullet time controls, the game ends immediately upon an illegal move being discovered.
  • Castling: players must move the king first, then the rook, using one hand.
  • If a player castles illegally, they must reset the king and rook and make another king move because castling is considered a king move.
  • Pawn Promotion: the player should move the pawn to the last rank, remove the pawn from the board, and then replace it with the promoted piece, all with the same hand.
  • Captured pieces are out of play and can be held and/or placed anywhere on the game table.
Check-in and Byes
  • Check in with the TD before the first pairing so we know you are here and ready to play. If you know you will be late please contact us by phone or text at (914) 719-1970 so we can give you a bye or start your clock. If we don’t hear from you by the first pairing, you will be withdrawn. No refunds.
  • Requested byes due to conflict or illness receive 1/2 a point and should be made in advance of the tournament by contacting the club if possible.
  • Assigned byes are given to the lowest rated player with the fewest wins who hasn’t had a bye already. 1 full point is awarded for lack of an opponent due to a forfeit/withdrawal, or an odd number of players.
  • If a player is late to a game their opponent may start the clock. (If Black is late, White will start the clock, make a move, operate the clock, and wait. If white is late, Black will start the clock and wait.)
  • Show respect to all opponents. Shake hands, or bump fists, with your opponent at the beginning and end of each game.
  • You may, but do not have to, say “check” or “checkmate.” But be sure to confirm any game results before leaving the table.
  • Turn off the clock and set up the pieces for the next round.
  • Ties in the standings are resolved with “tie breaks.” The pairing software makes these determinations based on multiple factors.
  • Tie breaks DO NOT apply to cash prizes. In the event of a tie, the prize is split evenly between all tied players.

Conduct at Piermont Chess Club

Here is a list of expected conduct at Piermont Chess Club for both tournaments and casual play. Piermont Chess meets in a large class room where noise can easily get out of control. Please be considerate and as quiet as possible at all times.

  • Please do not come if you are ill.
  • Please practice basic hygiene, and dress appropriately.
  • No talking during tournaments.
  • No gratuitous or vulgar language.
  • No slamming of pieces or clocks.
  • No inappropriate trash talk, arguing, gloating, or intimidation with words or actions.
  • No violent outbursts. (You will be charged the full replacement cost for anything damaged.)
  • No weapons, drugs, or alcohol.
  • Food and drink IS allowed but cannot be disruptive or distracting (messy, smelly, noisy.)
  • You may go to the bathroom, stand, stretch, walk around, and watch other games at any time, including during your game, but do so quietly.
  • Please open and close the door to the room quietly. If you exit after your game is over, avoid re-entry until the round is over. Please walk around quietly.
  • If your game is over you may watch other games, keep your distance, and do not distract other players.
  • Cell phones ARE allowed, but they must be SILENT. Do not use them to talk in the game room. Texting is tolerated but should be minimized. Please stop if your opponent asks you to.
  • Headphones and other electronic devices (watches, tablets etc.) ARE allowed here.
  • No cheating.
  • Do not give, or ask for, advice. (including inadvertent facial expressions and audible noises that may communicate something to a player you are watching.)
  • Do not discuss or analyze games in the game room. Leave the room and continue to be quiet in the hall.
  • We often have more boards set up than needed. If you finish a game early, and a game board is available, you may play a casual game, but, please do so quietly.

  • Repeated violations of the above conduct may be grounds for removal from the premises and/or banning from the club.
  • ANYONE may request a cease of ANY behavior at ANY time with no explanation, and their request MUST be obliged.
  • If a member of our volunteer staff asks you to leave, you must leave.
  • If you have ANY concerns during a tournament, or problems with another player, do not hesitate to involve a Tournament Director immediately.
  • If you experience any bullying, or sexual harassment etc. please report to a TD immediately. TDs are required by law and the USCF to be certified in Safeplay procedures and to handle these issues and report them to authorities if necessary.
  • In general, please use common sense, and simply be polite and considerate of those around you.
  • Remember, it’s only a game.

We truly hope this has been helpful-and unnecessary-and that everyone enjoys their tournament experience at Piermont Chess Club. Contact us at (914) 719 1970 or if you have any further questions or concerns.